With its inception in 1969, Bethesda has grown steadily throughout the years in Aberdeen. As the non-profit child and elderly care facility, Bethesda has always looked towards the future to find ways to better its services, facilities and programs.
Bethesda is once again looking towards the future. With the many problems facing the communities elderly population, Bethesda is building a new Adult Day Health Center. The center will be added on in addition to Bethesda’s existing holistic care to seniors during daytime hours. The facility will give Aberdeen and the surrounding area’s senior citizens a chance to promote their well-being in a home-like environment, which can prolong the need for full-time institutional care.
In an effort to make this new facility a reality, AACF donated $2,000 towards the new center, which will provide basic health and nursing care; nutrition/medication management; physical, occupational and speech therapy; inter-generational activities and many other services that assist with physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs.
AACF is happy the new facility will open its doors in 2014.